Sunday, October 3, 2010

Meg Whitman - 300 million to buy an election?

   Meg Whitman. Um. Ah. I don't know. Just what is this Meg Whitman? She's putting a lot of effort into trying to get elected at the moment. Messages on my answerphone. Face all over the television. Her big argument for political competency being she was lucky enough to ride the electronic flea-market of eBay at a time when the home computer was easily turned into a means of commerce. She actually counts every person who has sold something on eBay as an individual job created. Astounding sophistry. She has already spent 200 million trying to convince people to vote for her and there is still a month to go. The big weekend NFL games with all their juicy advertising segments will surely push her over 300 million. Incredible outlay. What an ego. One Hundred Million, saying nasty things about the imbecilic Steve Poizner. One hundred million trying to convince people she should sit on top of a broken and corrupt state legislature. Now another one million saying nasty things about the straight talking skeletor Jerry Brown. Three hundred million. It's baffling. Me thinks the lady doth promote too much. This at a time when the economy is chugging along like a rusty tractor. An obscene waste. Politics is becoming little more than watching a group of rich people lick themselves.
   But what is this Meg Whitman? What drives her? I'm sure I've seen her somewhere before, of course she reeks of Nixon, but that's not it... Wait wasn't she in a film? Didn't she appear with the current governor at some point? Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governator. Total Recall. Yep, that's it I have total recall it was Total Recall:
The creepy thing is when Arnold bursts out from inside her and her head explodes as she says "you're in for a big surprise".

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