Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Dunning-Kruger Effect

  The Dunning-Kruger effect can clearly be seen at work in American Politics and society. The Tea-party. The shameless elevation of ignorance as a virtue. The shameless elevation of faith over facts. The shameless definition of 'Patriotism' as solely white, Christian and Republican. The vitriol and idiocy of Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh. The idea that the belief in God and the power of prayer, as imagined by white Christians, trumps Climate Change, the science of Evolution or a woman's right to choose.
  The Tea Party claim to stand for less taxes, less government, more 'Patriotism' and the original Constitution. In reality they are a neo-fascist movement who want to elect a dangerous group of right wing idiots into power who don't understand the constitution and think Glenn Beck's crazy resurrection of John Birch society conspiracy theories are valid. 'I'm self-educated' boasts Beck almost daily, grinding his teeth at anyone who has actually gone to college, read a book or got an education. Would they want a 'self-educated' heart surgeon operating on them? Of course not and yet they want the uneducated to be elected to public office. We did that. George Bush lied and took us into two endless and immensely costly wars, one of which against a former ally his father put into power and armed.
  Look at the Tea party, try and understand them. It defies logic, they are just a bunch of racist shills for the mega-rich. Citibank refers to the U.S. as a plutocracy not a democracy. Because of the Dunning-Kruger effect you can not explain how important this is.
  Try and point out that we are actually paying less taxes than under George Bush and they refuse to listen. Try and point out that the economic depression came about because of Bush and Regan and the right's idea that deregulation of capitalism is good and they blink like dumb bovine. Try to point out that Constitution separates Church and State and they clutch their Bibles and renounce their American citizenship saying they obey a 'higher power'. Tell them the constitution defends the freedom of religion and they still rant and rail about an American Muslim's right to pray. They don't understand the constitution. If you analyze their motives you can only draw the conclusion that they are a bunch of racist hypocritical bigots. American Muslims died in the twin towers. The 'Ground Zero Mosque' which is not at ground zero, should be allowed for a multitude of reason not least because this is supposed to be 'the land of the free' and Muslims should be allowed to go and pray and pay respects to their dead, the workers who died in the twin tower attacks. The tea party want to tackle the deficit but they don't want to cut the billions spent daily on the military, they just want to stop poor people, old people, colored people from having health insurance and other social services like Fire brigades. Sick, twisted idiots.
They fear 'sharia law' and yet think it's OK for them to enforce their own 'law of God' that blocks gay marriage. That sounds like 'sharia law' to me. If they were really out to 'protect marriage' they would ban divorce. Rush Limbaugh is on his fourth wife and was a drug addict and yet they claim moral authority. Of course, it's no surprise, to learn that the highest rates of divorce and domestic abuse take place in the bible thumping red states.
The Dunning-Kruger effect is rampant. It's out of control. 
Last week I watched the buffoon in general, Donald Trump, on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. The man admitted that he is thinking about running for President in a couple of years. He boasted about it, saying he would do a good job because there's nobody willing to fire people like he does so well on his TV show. He then went on to talk about OPEC and the fixing of the world's oil prices. It would have been funny but it was serious. You could see his ridiculous mind working, his slim grasp of the world's political situation revealed in his sly chimpish face. He claimed he could solve it by having the balls to stand up to them and tell them no. 'Gas should be $40 a barrel'. That was it. No mention of pressing the car companies to produce clean, gas free cars. No actual thought. Just chutzpah, old fashioned, will to power. Amazing, like we're not in enough wars already. Like all the world needs is an American man to go into negotiations with threats and the refusal to back down. It's outstanding, truly breath-taking and it's not even noticed so much anymore. There are just too many fuckwits out there, clogging up the media with their bullshit. The president bows to a foreign king and he's hounded for days, Limbaugh and Palin can incite racism and they are applauded.
  The Dunning-Kruger Effect has us in its teeth and we are powerless, for the unskilled and incompetent are being funded by corrupt corporations and the mega rich. And so they scream the rational down like a million howler monkeys in every tree. 

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