Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Something Dark is Loose

'America is full of good people, but something dark is loose. There's a free-floating anxiety that easily metastasizes into paranoia and hatred for the same enemies always targeted by authoritarian populist movements: homosexuals, urbanites, foreigners, intellectuals and religious minorities. Rationality is losing its hold; empirical evidence is discounted as the product of a secular world view or a scheming liberal elite.'
 - Michelle Goldberg, Kingdom Coming, p22

'The folkish-minded man, in particular, has the sacred duty, each in his own denomination, of making people stop just talking superficially of God's will, and actually fulfill God's will, and not let God's word be desecrated. For God's will gave men their form, their essence and their abilities. Anyone who destroys His work is declaring war on the Lord's creation, the divine will.'
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 2 Chapter 10

'And he that hath no sword, let him sell his clothes and buy one'
-Jesus, The Bible, Luke 22:36

They’re Burning Books Again

The fairy tales
Of Imaginary ‘Gods’
Are pounded into the soft heads of children
By a mother's whisper
And so are built the shoddy planks
Of a rotting  reason
On which we sail
Above the frightening void

‘Vanity, Vanity, All is vanity’
It says so in Ecclesiastes
And lunacy sweats out from their pores
Like honey comes from bees

They’re burning books again
This time in the sunshine state
Got the whole world’s media really quite irate
First Black President on the phone
First Nazi Pope on line two
President of Iran waving his shoe
Muslim world rioting
A starving army with nothing to lose
Save the word of their ‘God’
The embodiment of their hope/truth/beauty
Planted in their eye at birth
By their beholders.

Hypocrisy Hypocrisy
All is hypocrisy

The truly devout
Wear silly hats
And prance around in skirts
The truly devout
Rip their flesh and pray until it hurts
In old dead languages
They cry out
A million humbug spells
And in their reaching out to ‘God’
They crush us like eggshells

They’re burning books again
In Florida this time
But if you’re after burning books
For spreading misery and hate
Shouldn’t the Bible
Be the first upon the BBQ plate?

The Nazi’s were Christian
Put Jews in ovens while praising ‘God’
And the Catholic Church killed millions
In its own inquisition
Yet try and hold them accountable
And it’s an outrageous imposition
Christian armies have slaughtered the indigenous
Across the rolling plains of the Earth
So how much more killing
Are these ‘Gods’ really worth?

The subjugation of women
The infallibility of Paul
Wouldn’t it be funny
If there was no ‘God’ at all?

And now we learn of the rape and torture of children
By priests
It’s nothing new
What can we do?
The religious claim Holy sanction
For the evil in their hearts
We should make them join the Skoptsy
And cut off their private parts

And the sheepish flock to them for protection
Casting others into a hell
And the minds of little children
Are thrown down the wishing well

‘How dare they want equality
To marry who they please’
You clasp you clasp your hands together
And fall upon on your knees
If there was a ‘God’ in heaven
Who knew your mind and heart
The reeking contents of your thoughts
Would hit him like a fart

They’re Burning Books Again
This time it’s the Qur’an
Who some believe to be the word of ‘God’
As dictated to Mohammed
A military leader who grew tired of seeing his people put to the sword
By Jewish and Christian armies
So he made up his own Lord
Propped him up on top of Jesus and Abraham
(Even copied the footnote injunctions
About eating pig and lamb)
And began to pay the zealots back
They say 9/11 was an ‘unprovoked attack’
But people have short memories
When it suits them.

The Ku-Klux-Klan hid behind
The burning crosses of Christ
While black men were hung from trees
On Sunday they all went to Church
Singing Hallelujah

Hallelujah Hallelujah!
Drop your mind down the wishing well

Terrorists are inspired by the Qur’an
And the Bible
And the words of priests
Charismatic Gurus from California
Five star Generals
Colonel Chicken
Captain America
The Wailing Wall
Television Personalities
Arab billionaires
Social inequality
Fake Buddhists
Real Buddhists
Jewish Settlers
Texas Ranchers
Hungry stomachs
Greedy desires
And a million other
Types of liars.

It’s a Bible law to demand ‘An eye for an Eye’
Mark Chapman killed John Lennon after reading
The Catcher in the Rye
Tomorrow it might be a grocery list
A tax bill
A stoplight
A celebrity magazine…
We’re a violent race of idiots
Easily convinced to kill
The honest admit they do it for money
The wicked for a cross upon a hill

I really couldn’t give a fuck
You go and burn this or that stupid book
The Al Qur’an, The Bible
Or even the Holy book of Spoons
You bunch of dumb baboons
Burn them all if you must
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Then throw each other
On the fire
So this lunacy can end
And leave the world, Oh please leave the world
For the secular to mend.


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